80 years old male came with the complaints of shortness of breath since 15 days

M. Sri Nithya Roll. No 86 Patient came with the complaints of shortness of breath since 15 days B/ l pedal edema and facial puffiness since 3 days Burning micturition and decreased urine output since 2 days Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 months ago then he developed shortness of breath and visited local doctor and took treatment and then it subsided. Now patient presented with shortness of breath since 15 days, insidious in onset and gradually progressive from grade 1 to grade 3. Orthopnea present, no PND No h/o chest pain, palpitations , excessive sweating, giddiness, vomiting. B/l pedal edema,pitting type, extending up to the knee joint present and facial puffiness present since 3 days Burning micturition and decreased urine output since 2 days No h/o fever, cough, cold, vomitings or loose motions K/c/ o type 2 diabetes mellitus since 6 years on tablet metformin 500 mg po/od K/c/o HTN since 8 years on tablet metoprolol 0.25 mg po/od H/o CVA 8 years ago ?...