1) Cerebrovascular accident etiology, clinical features, complications and management.

2) Causes, clinical features, complications and management of chronic renal failure.

3) Diabetic keto acidosis clinical features and management.

4) Clinical features and management of congestive cardiac failure.

5) etiology, clinical features and complications of liver cirrhosis.

6) Oppurtunistic infections in AIDS

8) Clinical features, differential diagnosis and management of Guillian Barrie Syndrome.

7) Approach to acute diarrhoea.

9) Secondary causes of hypertension.

10) Mention clinical features of Hansen's disease 

11) Babinski's sign.

12)  Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

13) Clinical features of Dengue fever.

14) Pulmonary edema

15) Causes of thrombocytopenia.

16) Causes of pleural effusion.


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