70 year old male came with the chief complaints of chest pain ,cough,sob
70 year old male came with the chief complaints of chest pain ,cough,sob since 8-10 days Fever since 1 week Hopi- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 8 days back then he developed cough- Dey,insidious in onset and gradually progressive,diurnal variations present more during night. No seasonal variations. No aggravating or relieving factors. Chest pain left sided non radiating not associated with excessive sweating, palpitations,pedal edema,giddiness Sob since 8 days insidious in onset and gradually progressive,progressed from grade 1 to grade 3 . No orthopnea,no PND No seasonal variation,no diurnal variation. Fever since 1 week ,high grade associated with chills and rigors, Evening rise of temperature present, loss of weight present, loss of appetite present No h/o vomiting,losing stools,pain abdomen. Past h/o- K/c/o HTN since 2 years K/c/o DM since 6 months Not a k/c/oNot a k/c/o asthma , tb , epilepsy and thyroid disorders Surgical history - ?patient underwent explor...